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3. Data linked to private users

Private users are private persons who create a user account on DigitaltMuseum, KulturNav and Minner.

The information you must register in order to create a private user account in eKultur is

  • Name
  • Email
  • Password

An exhaustive list of the information that is stored can be found here. KulturIT is the data controller for the personal data linked to private user accounts on the services KulturNav, DigitaltMuseum and Minner.

Private users who are logged in with a user account can register comments, send enquiries and order pictures as a logged-in user, in the same way as private persons who are not logged in. It works in the same way as described in the paragraph regarding private persons who are not logged in. As a logged-in user, you can also create folders of objects on DigitaltMuseum and share them with others. The folders are only available to you as a user, unless you share them. No information in these folders flows over to other parts of eKultur.

You can also attach keywords (tags) to objects on DigitaltMuseum. The keywords are stored and shown in relation to the objects on DigitaltMuseum. They will also become searchable on DigitaltMuseum. No other information will be linked to the keywords and shown on DigitaltMuseum. The museum that owns the object to which a keyword has been attached is the data controller. KulturIT is the data processor. 

Keywords are also sent as an email to the establishments that have the object in their collection, with your name and email address. Keywords are not sent to the museum’s Primus database. The museum that receives the email is the data controller.

Private users can add personal histories to Minner. The museums create projects in Minner and invite people to share their stories about different topics. You choose whether your contribution is to be available only to the museum behind the project, or whether it should be available to everyone on the website. The museum is the data controller for this content, while KulturIT is the data processor.

Private users can contribute content to KulturNav. The content on KulturNav is organised in different datasets. Each individual set of data has a responsible manager. It is generally the museums and other establishments that are responsible for managing the datasets. The owners of the datasets are data controllers, and KulturIT is the data processor.

3.1 The aim of processing the data

A user account in eKultur provides access to functions on DigitaltMuseum, KulturNav and Minner that are not available to you if you visit the websites without creating an account. Personal data are obtained in order to provide these services.

3.2 Deletion of data

Information that you provide about the collections are stored until you decide to delete them. In order to delete such data, you must contact the museum that manages the collection you have contributed information about. A link to the museum's website and contact information can, for instance, be found on the museum’s ownership page on DigitaltMuseum.

Your email must include either a link to the object you have commented on/enquired about, or provide sufficient information to identify the object. You must state whether you are happy for the information to be made anonymous, or whether you require it to be deleted. You must also state whether the requirement for anonymisation or deletion of the data applies to both DigitaltMuseum and Primus.

Information regarding the ordering of pictures is not stored anywhere on eKultur. In this case, it is the museum that has the responsibility for processing and erasing information.

As a private user, your user account will be stored until you want to delete it. Your account can be deleted by sending an email to KulturIT. Your personal data will then be deleted. Information you have provided, and which cannot be linked to you in any other way other than through information related to the user account, will be anonymised.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2