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5. Data linked to named persons

The category comprises data about photographers, artists, producers, craftsmen, designers, people photographed, donors, former owners and people who have provided information about the collections – in short, everyone who is part of the history the museums document, disseminate and research.

This is part of the museums’ social mission and core activity (cf. for instance the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums' definition of museum). It is primarily staff in these museums who add this information to eKultur.

Professional users are considered named persons if they contribute to the documentation of collections etc., and can thus be important sources of information and part of the documentation on the collections. Private users can also be considered named persons if who they are is evident from the information they have submitted in eKultur.

Only employees in establishments that have access to Primus can submit such personal data on Primus. All logged-in users, both private and professional, can register personal data in KulturNav and DigitaltMuseum. Information about named persons is, for instance

  • Name
  • Date of birth and year of death
  • Place of birth and death
  • Occupations
  • Family relations
  • Connection to objects in the collections

An exhaustive list of fields that can include personal information (free text fields not included) can be found here.

It is the establishment that owns the database (in Primus, KulturPunkt and Minner) or the dataset (on DigitaltMuseum and KulturNav) in which personal data about named persons is added that is the data controller, while KulturIT is the data processor.

For data about named persons submitted by private users (with or without a user account) in KulturNav, DigitaltMuseum and Minner, the museum that owns the dataset to which information has been added is the data controller. KulturIT is the Data Processor. For information from DigitaltMuseum or KulturNav that is retrieved via a Primus database, the establishment that owns the Primus database is the data controller, while KulturIT is data processor.

5.1 The aim of processing the data

Data about persons with a connection to the collections is registered as part of the museums’ documentation work. This lies at the core of the museums’ social mission.

5.2 Deletion of data

The museums are responsible for the information about named persons in the eKultur services. If you see personal data that you believe should be deleted, you should contact the museum that is the data controller for these data. For data on DigitaltMuseum, the owner of the collection on KulturNav is the responsible administrator of the dataset, and on KulturPunkt, it is the museum that has published the content.

Contact information can be found on the museums’ websites, the pages about the museums on DigitaltMuseum, in the datasets on KulturNav and pages about the museum on KulturPunkt. You can delete memories you have added. However, you must contact the museum behind the memories collection to delete data from Minner. The museum's email address can be found in the presentation of the collection.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2