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6. Disclosure of personal data

KulturIT does not disclose data related to private or professional user accounts in eKultur to other parties.

Data about named persons is part of the museum’s documentation and is thus shared openly if the museum as the data controller wishes to publish it. The data that is published becomes available as part of the content on the open, web-based eKultur systems.


An application programming interface (API), is an interface in a software that makes it possible for specific parts of it to be activated (‘run’) from another software.

APIs on eKultur provide access to retrieve data about named persons that the museums have published on DigitaltMuseum or that are available in datasets in KulturNav. Data that are retrieved from the APIs can be further used as wished, within the limits provided by licenses and rights pertaining to the material.

If continuous integration with the APIs is established, meaning that the data you receive is updated when the same data is updated in DigitaltMuseum, the museum that has made the data available in the APIs is the data controller. This is the owner of the collections on DigitalMuseum and the responsible administrator of the datasets on KulturNav.

If you download data from the APIs and use them independently of DigitaltMuseum, you in principle assume the role of data controller. This is further described in the museums’ privacy statements.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2